Sometimes we have requirement in developing a website to disable the Back button effect from Browser. This is common in Online Banking Websites and other sites where security is of principal concern. User may hit back and navigate from the page and forget to logout.
Hence sometime it is required that we disable the functionality of Back button. But unfortunately this is not an easy task. There is no direct way of dealing with this problem. We can do few hacks to ensure that user does not get back in the browser.
Following are few tricks that can be used to disable the back button in browser. Please note that we do not literally “disable” the back button, but just nullify its effect is some case and hide it altogether in others.
Open A New Window without Back Button
This technique does work in some case but user has still a workaround to navigate to previous page. Most of the browser have options of Back in context menu. Thus user can still right click on the page and click Back to go to previous page. We will shortly see the workaround for this issue also.
Following is the code to open webpage in a new window have no toolbar (Back/Next buttons).
| ( "" , "mywindow" , "status=1,toolbar=0" ); |
| < body oncontextmenu = "return false;" > |
Disable Back functionality using history.forward
This is another technique to disable the back functionality in any webpage. We can disable the back navigation by adding following code in the webpage. Now the catch here is that you have to add this code in all the pages where you want to avoid user to get back from previous page. For example user follows the navigation page1 -> page2. And you want to stop user from page2 to go back to page1. In this case all following code in page1.
| < SCRIPT type = "text/javascript" > window.history.forward(); function noBack() { window.history.forward(); } </ SCRIPT > </ HEAD > < BODY onload = "noBack();" onpageshow = "if (event.persisted) noBack();" onunload = "" > |
Check the demo for this example.
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