Saturday, 11 August 2012


function generatePassword ($length = 7)

    // start with a blank password
    $password = "";

    $possible = "234678951abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqxyz";

    // we refer to the length of $possible a few times, so let's grab it now
    $maxlength = strlen($possible);
    // check for length overflow and truncate if necessary
    if ($length > $maxlength) {
      $length = $maxlength;
    // set up a counter for how many characters are in the password so far
    $i = 0;
    // add random characters to $password until $length is reached
    while ($i < $length) {

      // pick a random character from the possible ones
      $char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, $maxlength-1), 1);
      // have we already used this character in $password?
      if (!strstr($password, $char)) {
        // no, so it's OK to add it onto the end of whatever we've already got...
        $password .= $char;
        // ... and increase the counter by one


    // done!
    return $password;

        echo $pwd=generatePassword()."<br>";

<form name="form" method="get" action="">

<input type="text" name="gen" value="" >
<input type="submit" name="submit">

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Date convertion from Y-m-d to d-m-Y

Use strtotime() and date():
$originalDate = "2010-03-21";
$newDate = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($originalDate));